Ron Mooers debut book series, Christian fiction, titled The Holy Deep deals with the realities and unrealities of advanced technologies and how these technologies will affect our lives and our future. Born in 1960 in Hartford, Conn., he moved to Texas as fast as he could at seven, and is enjoying life in the great state (Republic) of Texas with his wife, Krystal, children Josh and Kelsee, and grandchildren Varitee and Kayson.
His interest in writing has been stirring inside him since the 2nd grade, when he fell in love with reading. At the late age of 55, after 30+ years as a web developer, Ron decided to give it a shot. What a journey!
Writing fiction is difficult, but if you feel the passion, the work you put in to learn the craft will not feel like work at all and will make you a better writer. He spent the first 5 years learning the craft. Writing, rewriting, and writing some more. His writing coach, who doubles as his editor, has gone above and beyond, making him a better writer. After 2 complete edits and rewrites, The Holy Deep–Book 1 became a reality. If you are interested in writing, he would encourage you to give it a shot. It may be the best decision you ever make.