God Bless America

Posted on: 8-9-2022

So he answered and said, "'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind,' and 'your neighbor as yourself.'" Luke 10:27.

Men, what are we doing to protect our country, our families? What holds you accountable? Is it the word of God? If not, it should be. We are our country's last hope. Men of God, men in Christ. It is time to rise up!

Twelve men, eyewitnesses to the risen Christ, gave their lives so that we may be free to believe that Jesus is the son of God. What are we willing to do for Christ, our country, and our families? When Christ is first in our lives, there is nothing that can stop us. When God is on our side, who can stand against us? Romans 8:31.

Husbands, what are you doing to lead your families according to the word of God? What does it mean to be the head of the household in Christ? And no, it is not about submission. That is a lie straight from the father of lies. The truth of scripture crushes this lie. My wife will not hesitate and is the first to let me know when I do something wrong, when I am off track and not honoring God. She does not fear me! She respects me, but she does not fear me. I would fail her as a husband if I am not loving her as Christ loves the church. I would fail her as a husband if I do not put aside my needs to make sure her needs are met first. My wife and I love each other, and we do this according to the Word of God. Eph. 5:25, 33. Apart from the Holy Spirit, she is my first and best counselor.

Men of God, are you serving the world or God? Are you doing daily the things you need to do to feed your spirit from the Word of God? Are you being led by the Holy Spirit of God? We must if we are to face the challenges crushing our families and our country.

Ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior and let's join together. We need to man up, before it's too late. 1 Samuel 30:6.