Who is the American Marxist?

Posted on: 8-4-2023

They are not American. They do not believe in the bill of rights. They are communists intent on destroying our republic and destroying our freedoms. Make no mistake about this.

The Marxist left count on the mentality of Americans to be at a juvenile or childish level. Age does not matter! If your attitude is leave me alone and give me my iphone, you fall into this category. And let me be clear, when I say the Marxist left, I am not talking about all democrats. I am not talking about all liberals. There are many people on the left that still have a functioning mature brain. We may be in disagreement on the issues, but they do not want to kill us or throw us in prison for believing in the bill of rights. This is exclusive to the Marxist left. The Marxist left do exist in this country and they are intent on destroying our republic. Wake up, grow up, and let's save our country before it is too late!